Hardcover Edition Added: Best Ways to Sell Your Photos and Videos

A hardcover edition of my image-creator book Best Ways to Sell Your Photos and Videos is now being published and will be available throughout the 2021 Christmas season and beyond. Hardback definitely being the more nice-looking option, this edition could make a great gift for anyone who’s looking for Christmas presents for photographer or videographer friends and family.

Have a look at the hardback edition of the book here: https://markmage.com/try/photo-video-best-ways-hc/ and don’t forget to use the free LOOK INSIDE feature to find out more!

Other outlets for the hardback edition than just Amazon will be added using Lulu.com, but I am currently working out some deals to make this as affordable as possible to readers. Watch this space or subscribe to be notified of other re-sellers as they’re being added.

Just Released: Second Improved Edition

The second improved and updated edition of Photo and Video Optimization for Internet Search has just been released. This book is available in all three formats, paperback, eBook, and audiobook. A hardback edition is also available through Blurb.com, which is covered in more detail in a separate article. The updated 2nd edition in the above three format options has been released on July 12, 2021 and is now available for immediate purchase.
